PreMadeNiches Installation Guide

Documentation 1.1.0

  • Created: May 15, 2015
  • Latest Update: February 5, 2018
  • By: PreMadeNiches


Thank you for purchasing ready made blogs from PreMadeNiches. We hope you find our work to your satisfaction. We always welcome feedback and suggestions so don't hesitate to contact us.

To your success,


Using ready made blogs is a sure way to cut the learning curve and help you quickly build a new niche site. This helps you focus more on promoting your money site, drive more traffic, and eventually earn big income.

In this installation guide, you will find the needed information from creating database, uploading installation files, and finally installing the blog using the importbuddy script.

Please take note that after installation, you don't need to buy the Backupbuddy plugin license. The plugin was included to help you install the ready made blog quickly and easily.

Before Getting Started

The PLR blog package is very easy to install and manage. If you're already a WordPress user and are familiar with its basic functions, then there should be no problem for you managing your new WordPress based website.

Nevertheless, please note that this installation does NOT cover basic WordPress usage. It is expected that when you bought this ready made WordPress site, you already know how to operate WordPress.

On the other hand, if you are a new WordPress user but really interested in becoming a webmaster and internet marketer, just go on and install this package and then feel free to explore the admin area.

Try to create posts, edit existing ones, or even delete some. Feel free to make experiments with your newly installed blog. This way you'll get accustomed with the basic WordPress features and its usage!

Here are some links that will help you to become more confident with WordPress:

  • First Steps with WordPress (this is one of most complete guides):
  • Explanations on most common WordPress terms:
  • Join and download professional video tutorials. When you bought this theme, you received an email about your purchase along with a secret link where you can register for a Silver Membership.

Requirements and Compatibility

Owning your own niche site requires these three online assets:

  • Domain name
  • Webhost account
  • Basic WordPress skill

Domain Name

You need a domain name ready for your new website. Domain name is the name of your website and is made up of a series of alphanumeric strings separated by periods. Ex.,, etc.

The best registrar where you can buy a domain name is Namecheap.

Webhost account

You need an online space for your website files and programs. This is where you're going to upload the installation files and it's where the programs are executed so that it can be made viewable to the internet.

Make sure that your webhost allow you to set up WordPress and also allow you to add a MySQL database. WordPress ready made blogs cannot be used on hosted blogs.

Find a webhost which is compatible with WordPress versions 4.0 or higher, PHP 5.2.4 or higher, and mysql 5 or higher.

For easy site management, look for web hosts that uses cPanel as file manager. This is where you manage your website's files and programs. It's also easier for us to install and manage your site if requested.

Basic WordPress skill

To be able to manage your site on your own, you need have at least the basic knowledge in using WordPress. Don't worry, it's not a complicated tool that requires a college degree. As long as you know how to use a Word document or any text editing tool, you'll quickly learn how to use WordPress.

WordPress Tutorials

If you're a WordPress beginner, there's a step by step and fully illustrated tutorials here:

Blog Installation for cPanel Webhosts

IMPORTANT! DO NOT install WordPress on the destination server. The importbuddy script will install all files, including WordPress. Delete any pre-installed Wordpress to avoid installation conflicts.

It is assumed that you already have a Webhost account that uses cPanel as control panel.

If you are using GoDaddy to host your sites (although we really don't recommend GoDaddy for anything), then click here. A separate site installation guide for GoDaddy webhost users will open.

If your webhost is iPage, Fatcow, (again, we don't recommend this host for anything), and other webhost comepanies that use vDeck Control Panel, please use this guide.

Quick Guide for Experienced and Advanced Wordpress Users

1. Create a MySQL database. If you're new to manually creating databases, you can follow this steps.

2. Upload the backup file and the importbuddy script on the root folder of your domain/subdomain. The backup file and the importbuddy script is found under the "Files to Upload" folder which is included with the blog package you donwloaded from

3. Run the installation script on your browser by typing this url format:

4. Enter the default ImportBuddy password then simply follow the on-screen prompts.

That's it. The whole installation process can be done in under seven minutes depending on your internet speed.

NOTE: The ImportBuddy password is found in the notepad file called "Login Details". The default blog admin username and password is also included in that file.

Part 1. Upload Installation Files

For beginners, click here to watch video tutorial.

1 On your computer, unzip the blog package you downloaded when you purchased it from You may use WinZip or WinRAR. Free WinZip version is usually pre-installed in most Windows based computers.

2 After unzipping, open the folder "Files To Upload". This is where the actual "installation files" are placed.

The "Files to Upload" folder contains 3 files: index.php, importbuddy.php, and the "backup file". The backup file is usually in a "" filename format so in this demo it is "".

You're going to upload all 3 files. DO NOT unzip the backup file.

3 Login to your cPanel using this url format: Feel free to use your favorite FTP software but for this demo we'll use the built-in cPanel uploader.

The url login address:

The login box:

Note: Make sure your domain's DNS is already pointed to your webhost for this setup to work properly.

4 Once logged in to your cPanel dashboard find the "File Manager" icon. Click it.

5 On the new window, you now see the File Manager Page.

6 On the left panel click public_html.

7 After clicking, you'll see a blank canvass on the right panel.

NOTE: If this is a newly purchased webhost, it's normal to see some extra html and CSS files automatically included by the host. Delete those extra files.

8 Click the "Upload" tool located on the top menu of the cPanel File Manager.

9 On the new window, click "Select File". Navigate to where the "Files to Upload" folder is located on your computer then select the 3 files one by one.

Or simply drag and drop the 3 installation files from your computer.

10 Wait for files to get uploaded. While waiting proceed to Part 2 MySQL creation.

Part 2: Create MySQL Database

1 Go back to your cPanel homepage.


2 Find "MySQL® Database Wizard" under Databases box.

3 Click the " MySQL® Database Wizard" link. You will be redirected to the MySQL® Database Wizard page.

4 Open the "Installation Notes" file included with the blog package you downloaded.

Use the installation notes to record your database info as you create your MySQL. You will be using this info when running the installation script on Part 3 below.

5 Now, enter your desired database name then click "Next Step" button.

Tip 1: Your database name should be something that will help you recognize from other databases especially if you have already created several or planning to create more databases on your webhost account.

Now that we've already created a database name, our installation note should be:

Importbuddy password: premadeniches195
Install URL:
Db Name: pms8gr07_mynewblog98475
Db Username:
Db Password:

IMPORTANT! Always include your cPanel login username followed by underscore (_) when writing down your database name and username.

My cPanel login username in this demo is pms8gr07. So my full database name is this:
pms8gr07 + _ + mynewblog98475 =  pms8gr07_mynewblog98475

Some hosts, however, like GoDaddy don't require cPanel username prefix so your database name would be just mynewblog98475 without the pms8gr07_ prefix.

6 On Step 2, enter your desired database username. Up to 7 characters is allowed but some webhosts will require 8 or more. Mine here is boom123

7 Click the "Password Generator" button. A password generator box will appear. Click Generate Password button to create a new database password.

8 Copy your generated password into your installation notes. Copy also your database username. Now, your final installation note should look like this one:

Importbuddy password: premadeniches195
Install URL:
Db Name: pms8gr07_mynewblog98475
Db Username: pms8gr07_boom123
Db Password: BGDVIop}a+MW

9 On the Password Generator box, check "I have copied this password in a safe place." then click "Use Password" button.

10 Next, click "Create User" button.

11 On the next step (Step 3: Add user to the database.), check "ALL PRIVILEGES" tick box. This will automatically check all other tick boxes under it.

12 Scroll down then click "Next Step" button.

13 That's it. MySQL creation done!

Part 3. Run Installation Script

For beginners, click here to watch video tutorial.

1 Open the "Installation Notes" you created in Part 2 (MySQL creation).

2 On your favorite browser, copy the installation URL to the address bar then hit "Enter" key on your computer keyboard.

3 Enter Importbuddy password then click Authenticate button.

NOTE: The importbuddy password is already included with the "Installation Notes" file.

4 Now, on "Step 1: Select Backup to Restore", click "Restore Backup" button.

5 Next, on "Step 3: Database Settings", manually enter your database settings.

For "Database Server" and "Database Prefix" just click the arrow to copy setting from old server to new server.

So from:

To this:

For Database Name, Database User, and Database Password just copy and paste the info from the notepad list you created in Part 2 (MySQL creation).

6 Click "Next Step" button.

7 On "Step 5: Site URL Settings", review your new URL (WordPress address) then simply click "Next Step" button.

8 On "Step 6: Verify Site and Finish", click your blog url and check if site is working.

9 If site is working with no error/s, click "Finish Cleanup" to delete installation files and other mess.

10 That's it. Congratulations for successfully installing your new blog/site.


The installation process is simple and straightforward. After 2 or 3 more successful blog package installation you should already be comfortable and may not need to follow this guide anymore. You can be on your way to setting up more niche blogs that can make you good steady passive income in the days to come.

For questions and product issues please contact us using our online contact form.

Your feedback, comments, corrections, and suggestions are highly appreciated. We want to make sure our products have the kinds of features and functionality that will be useful to you and allow us to give you the best value that we possibly can.

Based on your feedback, you can help us decide what are the most important things to work on with future updates.

You can now Login to Your New Wordpress Site to Replace Affiliate Links.

IMPORTANT: After installing your ready made blogs make sure to update Wordpress and all themes and plugins.
Here's a tutorial on how to do that: Update WordPress and WordPress Plugins


Visit Premadeniches site for new PLR blogs and niche sites.

Replace Affiliate Links

For beginners, click here to watch video tutorial.

1. Log in to your Wordpress account using this url format: See Tutorial on How to Login Here.

2. On the left side of your Wordpress Dashboard are the different Menu Items.

3. Hover your mouse over the "PMThemes" menu item then click "ADS Settings".

If your blog uses the theme Nichebarn, then your menu item should look like this:

4. You will be redirected to the theme's ADS settings page. You will see these four sections:

  • ADS Settings and Replacement Panel
  • Post Content Ads
  • Amazon Affiliate Links

5. Change any ad codes in section "Post Content Ads" with your own ad code. Change it with your adsense code if you like to use Google Adsense.

6. If you're an Amazon affiliate change ID and keyword under the "AMAZON ID" section.

7. If you're a CBEngine member, change member ID and keyword under the "CLICKBANK TEXT ADS" section. Please take note that this for the text ads only (if there are any). It's NOT a requirement to join CBEngine.

8. If you're a Clickbank affiliate, go to "REPLACE AFFILIATE LINKS" section then generate your own encoded Clicbank affiliate links and replace Affiliate Link #1 and Affiliate Link #2 fields as needed. That's all you need to do here.

If you're confused about how to generate encoded Clicbank affiliate links, see quick tutorial here.

Don't forget to click Save Changes button!

If you don't want to use Clickbank, just ignore this section then go to the Widgets area of your WordPress admin and change the ad codes . The ad codes are usually in shordcodes form (see screenshot below).

How to Generate Your Own Encoded Clickbank Affiliate Links

Follow this quick guide if you're going to replace Clickbank affiliate urls in the "REPLACE AFFILIATE LINKS" section.

1. Let's start with Affiliate Link #1. Get your own encoded Clickbank link by going to HopLink Shield Tool:

2. Fill in your own Clickbank ID on the Affiliate Nickname field. Go back to the theme panel and copy the provided Vendor ID #1 (as shown below).

3. Paste Vendor ID on the Vendor Nickname field. The two fields are now filled up. See screenshot below.

4. Click "Encode" button (as shown in red arrow above). You now have an encoded clickbank link (see blue highlighted url below).

5.Now, create Affiliate Link #2 by clicking "Check Another?" link. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

6. Now that you have both 2 Clickbank affiliate links, replace them on the area provided on the "Replace Affiliate Links" area.

7. Don't forget to click "Save Changes" button! Otherwise, those old affiliate links will remain unchanged.

8. Go to your site and hover your mouse over each banner to make sure the correct Clickbank Affiliate Links/Alt Tags/Banners are appearing!